Monday, July 13, 2020

Sales are soaring. The popular efoil is the perfect activity during a pandemic.

Dena with the Lift 5'0 Sport Model in June 2020 at Veteran's Memorial Park in Avon, OH. As a personal watercraft, the efoil is social-distancing approved. 

This has been a year of unprecedented changes. When the pandemic began, we weren’t entirely sure how it would impact our efoil business.

We are proud to report: Sales are soaring. Interest in the sport is growing in leaps and bounds. And not to mention, people have discovered that efoiling is the ultimate social-distancing sport.

In April and May, our phones were ringing off the hook. We were busy answering questions and helping individuals with their efoil purchases. Due to the COVID-19 governor’s orders in our state of Ohio (as well as Pennsylvania), we were unable to offer in-person water lessons and demos for some time. We are not considered an essential business. However, now we are back to offering demos and have been remotely assisting customers throughout the pandemic.

How is it possible that efoiling is so popular during these unprecedented times?

We believe the quarantine has brought with it a renewed interest in hobbies that can be done at home. If you live on an electric-only lake, for example, the efoil is a perfect activity for you to enjoy the water safely while complying with regulations. The efoil is also a unique personal watercraft. It can be done by a single individual without gas, towing or assistance from anyone.

Hence, Lift’s eFoil is our COVID-19 activity of choice.

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Sales are soaring. The popular efoil is the perfect activity during a pandemic.

Dena with the Lift 5'0 Sport Model in June 2020 at Veteran's Memorial Park in Avon, OH. As a personal watercraft, the efoil is soc...