Monday, July 13, 2020

Sales are soaring. The popular efoil is the perfect activity during a pandemic.

Dena with the Lift 5'0 Sport Model in June 2020 at Veteran's Memorial Park in Avon, OH. As a personal watercraft, the efoil is social-distancing approved. 

This has been a year of unprecedented changes. When the pandemic began, we weren’t entirely sure how it would impact our efoil business.

We are proud to report: Sales are soaring. Interest in the sport is growing in leaps and bounds. And not to mention, people have discovered that efoiling is the ultimate social-distancing sport.

In April and May, our phones were ringing off the hook. We were busy answering questions and helping individuals with their efoil purchases. Due to the COVID-19 governor’s orders in our state of Ohio (as well as Pennsylvania), we were unable to offer in-person water lessons and demos for some time. We are not considered an essential business. However, now we are back to offering demos and have been remotely assisting customers throughout the pandemic.

How is it possible that efoiling is so popular during these unprecedented times?

We believe the quarantine has brought with it a renewed interest in hobbies that can be done at home. If you live on an electric-only lake, for example, the efoil is a perfect activity for you to enjoy the water safely while complying with regulations. The efoil is also a unique personal watercraft. It can be done by a single individual without gas, towing or assistance from anyone.

Hence, Lift’s eFoil is our COVID-19 activity of choice.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Three questions with the aerospace engineer who helped make the eFoil happen

Jack W. Langelaan efoiling over Lake Ontario. 

The technology behind this revolutionary watersport took years of research and development, and an aerospace engineer is among those who made it happen. And yes, he's an avid electric hydrofoil surfer, too.

Several years before the first efoil product was released, Jack Langelaan, the Penn State University aerospace engineer, teamed up with Nick Leason, founder and CEO of Lift Foils (the first eFoil manufacturer and the only one in the United States) to enhance the perfect technological design to allow surfing above the water without wind or waves. (More information on that partnership). 

eFoil Over Erie had the opportunity to talk to Jack about his experience and insight with the technology, and here's what he had to say: 

1. Many people ask us, "How does it work?" What's the best, easiest way to explain this new technology? 

It is a battery-powered hydrofoil. A hydrofoil is a wing that “flies” underwater… it is a really cool device that reduces the power you need to travel over the water by a factor of three or four, so even a small motor can allow you to travel really fast. We can steer the hydrofoil by leaning, so controlling the foil is a really natural motion. We have a little hand controller with a trigger that controls the power going to the motor and a display that tells us how much energy is left in the battery. Combine it all together and you have something that lets you skim over the lake (or ocean)… it’s quiet enough that you can hear the other sounds of the lake while you explore.

2. In order for the whole system to function, it's not only about the motorized hydrofoil but also involves the advancement in lithium batteries and Bluetooth technology. Do you think we'll see even more of these types of technological advancements coming together to create new sports and adventures outside the water? 

In my day job I’m an aerospace engineer, so that’s where I see the big innovations. The improvements in battery technology are enabling battery-powered aircraft and giving much better performance for drones. In 2011, I was involved in a NASA competition called the Green Flight Challenge, where we demonstrated a battery-powered aircraft that could carry four people and fly 200 miles on a charge. Since then, battery technology has continued to improve, and now there are battery powered ultralight aircraft, battery-powered paramotors, and battery-powered aircraft for flight training. I have been riding a battery-powered skateboard to work… it is way more fun than driving!

3. You are an eFoiler as well. What's it like to personally enjoy a brand new sport that you helped create? 

It is great! The feeling you get when you lift out of the water and realize that you’re flying on a little wing is a huge rush. And it feels so smooth… you cut through the chop and the wakes of other boats and you barely feel it. It’s like snowboarding in deep powder

It has been really cool to see this go from an idea and a rough prototype to a beautifully designed and built product. Nick and his crew at Lift Foils have done an amazing job developing the technology and turning the sport into a user-friendly, exciting experience that we can enjoy in pretty much any body of water in the country… no waves needed!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Video: Our First Season Highlights for eFoil Over Erie

Our 2019 season brought many firsts - first time eFoiling in Ohio on Lake Erie, and our first time eFoiling at Edgewater Park, on Rocky River, in Media County, and at Hinkley Lake. We completed several road trips, and brought our eFoils to Bald Eagle State Park near State College, Pennsylvania, as well as lesser known waterways like Parker Dam State Park in Clearfield County, PA.

Then there were the lessons, and all those first-timers flying on the foil for the first time. You did it! You were among the first to experience this exhilarating new water sport. Thank you for choosing us and Lift Foils to be your guides.

Here's our first season recap. Enjoy. We can't wait to get back out there again soon.
- Dena, Wassim & Rich

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

September Recap: Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions about eFoiling

We received many questions about eFoiling during the North Coast Harbor Boat Show and throughout the month of September. Here we recap the top 10 most common questions we received last month.

1. How fast does it go?

Up to 25 mph, but we generally stay within 10-15 mph for most of our leisure trips, which is an exhilarating ride.

2. How much does it weigh?

The board is 28 pounds, and the battery -- which you put in last before you go out in the water -- is 29 pounds.

3. How much does it cost?

It costs about the same as a new jet ski, or $12,000.

4. Is it easy to learn?

Yes. It is a lot easier to learn than most people think. The hardest part is learning to stand up and cruise for the first time. On average, it takes most people about 20 minutes to stand up. Once the board is cruising, it becomes stable and is easier to maneuver than a stand-up paddleboard over Lake Erie. Check out our video with for more information about our instruction. 

5. How long does the battery last?

Approximately an hour and a half, depending on the weight of the rider. Lighter riders tend to use less battery power during their rides.

6. How long does it take to charge a battery?

About 1.5 - 2 hours is how long it takes to charge a battery from zero to full power.

7. Does it float? What happens if you are riding on the lake and run out of a battery charge?

Yes, the board floats. The handheld trigger tells you exactly how much battery power you have left during your ride. In the event that you completely drain a battery, a safety mechanism kicks in and provides the rider with enough battery charge to troll back to shore. In the event, that a rider would completely run out, including the safety reserve, he or she could manually surf the board back in to shore.

8. Do they come in different colors?

The boards are available in blue, white and black, and there are four different sizes, as well as interchangeable wings. For a complete product listing, visit the Lift Foils website.

9. When were the products released? 

The manufacturer, Lift Foils, has been developing and fine-tuning the eFoil product for years before releasing it to the public for purchase in 2018. eFoil Over Erie is the first to bring the sport to Ohio and is one of the few affiliates in the Midwest. We also cover parts of Pennsylvania and upstate New York, too.

10. Do you sell them or rent them?

We don’t keep inventory ourselves, but we are an affiliate of the manufacturer and can assist you in purchasing or trying an eFoil. We do not offer rentals. We use our electric hydrofoils for private lessons and demonstrations to give potential buyers a chance to fly before they buy.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Charlotte, 74, eFoils at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

At the North Coast Harbor Boat Show a few weeks ago, I manned my tented booth and answered questions for those who stopped by to talk about our electric flying surfboard.

On the last day, just a couple hours before closing, my cell phone rang.

“Hey! My name is Charlotte. I saw you whizzing by on that surfboard at the boat show yesterday, and I said to myself, ‘I have to try it!’ Can I come by this afternoon to take a lesson?” she said.

I jotted down her name, and we set a time to meet and get her ready for eFoiling during our last open time slot. When she arrived in a one-piece black Speedo swimsuit with a beaming smile, I could hardly believe my eyes. She was an older petite woman who wasn’t afraid to try something new. I gave her the waiver form to fill out, which included a field to enter her birthday.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?” I asked.


She was about to be the oldest person we gave a lesson to in Ohio, perhaps even the oldest in the entire U.S., and she could not have been more excited about it.

She jokingly asked for a locker room, which we didn’t have at the outdoor boat show. I promised to keep an eye on her belongings and store them behind the table while she took a lesson.

Her instructor Wassim walked with her to the launch area by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and she practiced standing up on the board while they were on land. After she was comfortable with the basic movements, Charlotte put on her helmet and prepared for the water. She cruised around on her stomach, very slowly at first -- a little too slow at first -- which is what riders learn about during their first experience. The eFoil needs to maintain a certain amount of speed to maneuver.

“Steady, even speed on the trigger,” Wassim instructed her. “Go a little bit faster now.”

She moved from her stomach to her knees and started to get the hang of it. Then Wassim asked her if she was ready to try standing. She nodded. She slowly shifted her weight upward before feeling unsteady and falling off to the side of the board, arms outstretched on either side of her. It was a perfect bail, as we call it, and all part of learning during the first lesson.

After she fell for the first time, Wassim asked her if she still wanted to keep going, without hesitation, she nodded her head “yes” and with determination in her eye, she got back on the board. She stood up a little faster, and cruised a little bit longer, before declaring that she’d had enough.

“Once I stood up, I went “ahhhh” and then I fell,” she said to me afterward. “It was a lot of fun. You made it look so easy when I saw you.”

I asked her if she’s always this adventurous, and if she has friends who like to try new things as well?

“They are all wimps,” she quipped. “Most 40-year-olds wouldn’t even try something like this.”

Her husband picked her up at the marina afterward, and he just shook his head and smiled when I asked him if Charlotte is always this adventurous.

“I’ve been shaking my head for 50 years.”

Sunday, September 15, 2019

North Coast Harbor Boat Show promotion: 20% off lessons, huge discounts on eFoils

Rich efoiling near First Energy Stadium by the Great Lakes Science Center in downtown Cleveland.

Do you want to learn what it is like to fly above water? Then you must try one of our eFoils. For one-day only tomorrow, we are giving lessons at 20% off -- first come, first serve.

This special promotion is for the North Coast Harbor Boat Show in downtown Cleveland by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. We are the first tent booth on the corner, in front of Voinovich Park and near First Energy Stadium, home of the Cleveland Browns.  

We are also offering a big end-of-season discount on purchasing a Lift eFoil, and you will have yours in time to still enjoy the water this year. You definitely want to get set up for next summer, and now is the best time to buy this amazing new water toy. 

Stop by and see us. We will also provide demonstrations throughout the day. 
eFoil Over Erie's booth at the North Coast Harbor Boat Show

Wassim on big blue six-two at the North Coast Harbor Boat Show.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Parker Dam State Park and the Park Ranger Encounter

Tiffany and Chase Pauling after their first eFoil lesson at Parker Dam State Park in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania.  

If the look on the face of the Pennsylvania park ranger at Parker Dam State Park is any indication, no one saw an eFoil coming to Clearfield County, Pennsylvania this year.

Wassim had just finished a demonstration for my brother, Chase, and his wife, Tiffany, when a park officer sprinted over to the beach area where we were standing. Once he approached us, he actually didn't know what to say. So Wassim opened the conversation, explaining that this weird board he just saw flying over the water is called an eFoil. It's a new water sport that allows you to surf over calm lake waters. No waves necessary.

The officer, kind as he was, stood in awe, not knowing what to say. Finally, after a good look around, he declared, "Well, it is a registered watercraft. It's electric. And you have your PFD (personalized flotation device). I guess you are good to go. I'll check with someone when I get back to the office. But yeah, I think you're good."
Parker Dam State Park in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. 
Since Wassim, Rich and I have started eFoiling, we've had conversations with dozens of officers who patrol the waterways in Ohio and Pennsylvania. They are doing their jobs to ensure everyone is safe. Many of the officers are curious. They've never seen or heard of an eFoil before. We are always willing to answer any questions they have and listen to what they tell us. Because the sport is so new and is quite mesmerizing to see, the officers are interested in learning more about it, which is helpful for everyone. 

After the officer gave us the green light to continue on as we were, Chase ventured out into the water to try the eFoil for the first time. During his lesson, he became comfortable on his stomach, then on his knees, and slowly rose to a standing position. Standing over six feet tall and weighing over 200 pounds, Chase did well on Lift's 6'2 Explorer with the 200 wing.

Wassim gives Chase some pointers during his first eFoil lesson. 
Tiffany watched from the shore as her husband stood up on the board and glided across the water. At that point, we didn't need to convince her to try it. She was ready. Like Chase, she stood up and began planing on the board in less than 10 minutes during her lesson.

I could not have been more excited to share my love of eFoiling with them. What's even more remarkable about this couple is that they don't have any stand-up paddleboard or surfing experience. Both of them were able to stand up and plane on the board with ease.

After our eFoiling sessions, we all ventured back to our campsite, but couldn't stop talking about the experience. It's a sport for the entire family.  --Dena

Sales are soaring. The popular efoil is the perfect activity during a pandemic.

Dena with the Lift 5'0 Sport Model in June 2020 at Veteran's Memorial Park in Avon, OH. As a personal watercraft, the efoil is soc...